Exercise, eat more vegetables, drink lots of water, get a full night’s rest…sound familiar? These are all among the most common things advised for people who want to lose weight. While it is important to know what to do, it is equally important to know the things to avoid. Here’s […]
Fit Radio Success Story – Meet Pam S.
Hey Fit Radio! My name is Pam. I’m a 50-year-old mom, fitness enthusiast and lifelong runner. My dad first took me out running when I was 11. I ran 2 miles without stopping and thought it was the greatest thing ever. Since then, I’ve run 15 marathons, 8 half marathons […]
Meet #CardioCoach Zeenat
Who’s our new Cardio Coach Zeetrainme!? Read more to find out!
5 can’t-miss strategies to keep your fitness goals on track this holiday season
If there’s any time for excuses, it’s during the holidays when sweaters come out, socializing heats up and the overindulging begins.
5 Fun Fall Workouts You Can Do Outdoors
After a long, hot summer, autumn has finally arrived. Why not let the crisp air and pretty autumn leaves motivate you to get outside and get moving? Combine cardio and strength training with these quick and effective workouts… and feel free to treat yourself to a pumpkin-spiced flavored treat afterward.
How Hot Should It Really Be In Hot Yoga Class?
The sweat drips down your back. Not knowing this was even possible, you look down and see beads of perspiration forming on your thighs. You feel slightly dizzy, but push through, taking a huge swig of water before heading into tree pose. Sounds like a typical hot yoga class, yes? […]
Let’s Get Physical: The Psychology of Effective Workout Music
“I dare them to find the iPod on me,” Richie Sais told the New York Times in 2007 when he was preparing to run the Marine Corps Marathon. USA Track & Field, the national governing body for distance racing, had just decided to ban athletes from using portable music players in order “to ensure […]
Top 7 Active Recovery Workout Ideas
Does “Active Recovery” seem paradoxical to you? Recovery traditionally implies taking periods of time off from your workouts, while activity is just the opposite. Fitness misinformation has generally promoted the idea that activity and recovery are mutually exclusive.
13 Easy Ways to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day
Regular exercise has so many benefits. It can help ward off health problems like heart disease and high blood pressure, boost your mood and relieve stress, increase your energy, and even help you sleep better. What’s not to love? Experts recommend adults get a minimum of 150 minutes a week […]
Exercise Can be Contagious, New Social Network Analysis Finds
Now here’s a contagion that might not be so bad to encounter. A new analysis of the running habits of about 1.1 million people reveals that exercise is indeed contagious — though its communicability depends on who’s spreading it.