Coaches’ New Years Tips

Our #CardioCoaches know a thing or two about setting realistic goals & making strides to achieve them practically.💪 Read more to see their tips on how to set (and actually keep) your resolutions this year.


  • Make it an appointment so you don’t miss it. Schedule in your calendar or arrange with a friend so you are less likely to bail!
  • Plan ahead, look for your opportunities, plan which workouts you will do when.
  • Make small, measurable goals. Examples:
    • ‘By next week, I️ want to have completed three fit radio workouts’
    • ‘I want to lose 5-10 pounds in 3/4 months etc’


Fit Radio Cardio Coach - Maria


  • Treat your calories like cash. #StayInYourBudget
  • Don’t compare yourself to others, focus on YOU.
  • What you focus on grows, visualize yourself achieving your goal



  • Build up to your goals, write them out (be specific/measurable/realistic) and start by taking small actions and practice them enough to form habits
  • Pick your ideal location — pick the gym you’re most comfortable and motivated in
  • Visualize reaching those goals — TRULY believe that the brain achieves what the mind believes



  • If you start something, you got to finish it
  • If you’re not putting in the work, someone else is! Don’t get outworked
  • Summer Bodies are made right now…in the winter!



  • Start small…. set smaller goals that can be crushed in the short term. These smaller efforts will build up to a much larger end result
  • Don’t over-diet…. a lot of people slash their calorie intake in order to lose weight. This, in turn, breeds a bad relationship with food, binging, and can hinder long-term results
  • Find a training buddy…. having a friend or family member to hit the gym with is extra motivation for the days you may not feel motivated


Fit Radio Cardio Coach Fitness Corlyn



  • Make SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) goals
  • TELL PEOPLE! Telling people will not only hold you accountable (since people WILL ask about your progress), but it will make the goal more real!
  • Reward yourself!!! Every teeny tiny milestone you reach, give yourself as little sumthin’ sumthin’! Maybe it’s an hour of watching Stranger Things, maybe it’s buying a new pair of running shoes, but REWARD yourself



  • Make 1 month, 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year goals. Then, make weekly goals that will allow you to reach each of them – it’s all about little victories along the way 🙂
  • Breathe your aspirations into life – speak them aloud, write them on your foggy mirror after a shower, put them in the notes section of your phone. The more you think of them, the more likely you are to make the decisions that will compound to achieve them!
  • DM them to me on Instagram @runthisb – I wanna hear from you and help hold you accountable!



  • Allow yourself a couple “oh sh!t/skip” Days – that way if something comes up, and you can’t make a workout, you’re not in a negative cycle.
  • Build a Foundation –  If you haven’t worked out in a while, signing up for 5 days a week may not be a realistic start. Start small and focus on getting in a habit vs trying to accomplish all of your goals in 30 days.
  • Find an Activity – Active rest is important, and let’s be honest, doing something active and fun is much more enjoyable than just going to the gym. Whether it’s a long walk with the dog, or a pickup game, find something fun and active that you enjoy and include that time in your program. Don’t be boring!


  • Make small commitments and be determined to be consistent
  • Don’t try to “exercise”, instead focus on choosing a hobby that gets you moving and that you enjoy doing
  • Resist the urge to compare yourself to other people. This is YOUR journey, no one else’s.


Cardio Coach Haron Mintz


  • Make S.M.A.R.T. Goals – Be sure they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely
  • Create a routine – DO NOT GUILT TRIP YOURSELF IF YOU MISS A DAY BUT… No one has ever succeeded at anything without discipline. Make a schedule for your 2018 goal setting.
  • Find Accountable Community – We do better when we have someone or even a group of people that we journey with. It’s not about checking for mistakes although that is a benefit. It’s about having people in your corner fighting for the same things you want.



  • Make it fun. You ain’t going to reach your goal if you aren’t enjoying the workout and dread it. If you love it you are more likely to stick with it.
  • Social calendars fill up fast, and usually, the first thing we bump is our workout, to get our crazy to do list done. Why not knock out 2 in one? Plan your next date or girls get together as a sweat sesh. Skip meeting for drinks and meet at the gym!
  • On Sunday nights, take 30 minutes to plan your week and schedule your workouts. If you don’t the week will pass you by and no workouts get done. 30 minutes of planning sets you up for total success.