What we accomplished in 41 hours:
The Fitness Magazine Blogger Meet and Tweet
This past Tuesday, Lexi and I flew out to New York for Fitness Magazine’s first Blogger Meet and Tweet event. We were super excited because we knew that most of the FitFluential team members were going to be there and we were finally going to be able to meet all of the “tweeps” we had been communicating with for the past several months. The event was jam packed with activities and many influential fitness speakers. We were even able to hear a few words from US Olympic Soccer star Mia Hamm! The event started with gathering our name tags and getting our “passports.” The event had a ton of tables chuck full of fitness and well-being related products. Brands such as Schick, Birkenstock, Reebok, and CamelBak to name a few. So, we had our passports and in order to earn the mack-daddy of all goody bags, we had to visit all of the tables and get a stamp/star sticker to prove that we had been there, just like an actual passport! After getting around to most of the tables, we sat down to hear a few keynote speakers from Fitness Magazine and well-being and nutritional experts like Joe Dowdell, Mia Hamm, and A.J. Jacobs. We had a little break for lunch…
It was nutritious and delicious! As the meet and tweet came to a close had completed filling out our passports and were pumped to receive our goodie bag! That was chock full of products we had been hearing and learning about all day!
SO much cool stuff, we’re very excited to start reading “DropDead Healthy” by A.J. Jacobs, he was hilarious so we’re sure his book will be just as entertaining! Following the meet and tweet, we got wind that the Tone It Up girls were going to making an appearance at the Oakley store in Times Square! I checked out their latest twitter post and it said that the first 50 people to be at the store after 5 were getting a goodie bag so we booked it to the Oakley store and we were actually numbers 48 and 49, which means, we got another goodie bag!
Complete with the Beach Babe workout DVD, a copy of this month’s Self Magazine, a $10 Oakley gift card and some other cool treats. To top it all off, I got to meet the ladies behind the Tone It Up brand, Karena and Katrina!
Made my day to say the least! After we left the Oakley store, we headed back to the hotel to freshen up and get ready to go out to dinner with some of the FitFluential girls we had met during the meet and tweet. It was so nice to finally be able to match a face to a twitter handle. I felt like I already knew them all!
So in a nutshell, we schmoozed with Jill Hanner, Nicole Culver, Christy Dean, and Kelly Olexa. We got the chance to hear tips and tricks from professionals all across the Fitness magazine spectrum, enjoyed a delicious lunch, got a TON of gifts, samples, and reading material, scored a copy of the Beach Babe DVD, an Oakley gift card, the latest copy of Self Magazine, not to mention two awesome bags that all the “schwag” came in, and I got to meet the duo that has been inspiring me for the past 4 months. We topped it all off with a couple margaritas and tacos with old/new friends later on in the evening. It was quite a busy day but so unbelievably worth it! Needless to say, we can’t wait to attend the next Fitness Magazine Blogger Meet & Tweet.
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