Fit Radio Success Story: Mercedes O.

Hi my name is Mercedes. I’m 31 years old, a mom to 2 handsome boys, a wife to an Air Force Veteran, and I work full time. My passions are my kids, music, and exercising!

Tell us about how you have used Fit Radio for your own fitness Journey:

During our last duty station in Japan from 2013-2016, I began my fitness journey and lost a total of 74 lbs. Once moving back to the States, we found out I was pregnant with our second child. I used to be a great runner, not a marathon runner, but I could run and during my pregnancy, I unfortunately stopped. I am now back at the very beginning trying to get back to where I once was. That is where Fit Radio comes in. I will never get on a treadmill (or do any work out) without Fit Radio! The variety of beats and voices in my ear that they give me keeps me motivated and moving!

What do you love most about Fit Radio:

What I love most about Fit Radio is the variety of options that they offer. If I am in a running mood, I pop in one of the fabulous Cardio Coaches. If I’m in a pumped up mood, I check out the Strength section. If I’m focused on my pace, I use one of the running/walking BPM options. Fit Radio has everything no matter your fitness level!

Who are your favorite Dj’s, Cardio Coaches, and trainers on the app:

I honestly cannot pick just one favorite DJ/Cardio Coach because they each have their own style of coaching and beats. It just depends on the kind of mood your in for your workout!