Think You Know #NYDIVA Kelly Smith? Think Again

Athlete Stats

DOB: August 20th, 1986

Height: 5’1”

Weight: 105llbs

Birthplace: Costa Rica

Occupation: Personal Assistant

Favorite Quote: “Life is too short to be anything but happy” I count my blessings everyday and remind myself that everything happens for a reason. Obstacles are inevitable and you must learn to overcome them with a smile on your face. In the end you will be stronger for it 🙂




I am a WBFF Professional Athlete, a member of team Total Body Advantage, and a member of the NY DIVAS with five years of fitness competitions behind me. I was born in Costa Rica, raised in New Jersey and achieved a Bachelor’s degree in Health Science Studies with a double minor in Biology and Pscyology at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. I have a grand passion for fitness and everything it encompasses. As it is ever changing, I am constantly doing my research to keep myself up to date. I love to learn, share tips, and meet those who also love this lifestyle.

From a young age, I’ve been heavily involved in sports. There were rarely seasons in which I was not active on an athletic team. I played soccer, lacrosse, basketball, ran track and cross country, and danced ballet and hip hop. While in college, I really missed being a part of a team and playing a sport. It was then, in my senior year of college that I discovered the world of competitive fitness-and what a world it is! It is a world filled with men and women from all paths of life seeking to improve their lives through fitness-in a nutshell. Competing has taught me a lot about myself, my strengths and my weaknesses. Like most sports, it not only tests you physically, but emotionally, and mentally as well. I train hard year round, lift heavy, and am constantly incorporating new techniques into my workouts. I also eat clean, do my research to ensure my training approach is safe, healthy and effective, and meet with my teammates on a regular basis.

My love for fitness goes hand in hand with my love for music. Up until recently I had an iPod (my old faithful) that I bought over 10 years ago! I used to spend countless hours selecting the perfect workout playlist to get me through my intense training sessions. Music just moves me! It wakes me up on sleepy days, gets me through rough workouts, and most importantly AMPS my workouts. I wake up to it, workout to it, and listen to it every chance I get. The day I discovered FIT Radio was the day I stopped sitting hours by the computer composing the perfect playlist as all their playlists are exactly what I am looking for.




My most recent achievement was winning the title Ms. Fitness Atlantic Bikini Overall Champion at the last show I competed in which earned me my WBFF Pro card. In just a couple of weeks I will be competing against professional athletes from all of over the world at the WBFF World Championship in Toronto, Canada which will aire live on
Pay-Per-View August 24th and 25th. Wish me luck! 🙂





Check out Kelly Smith and the other NY DIVAS in their WBFF Promotional Video!

And be sure to follow Kelly on TwitterFacebook and her YouTube Channel to stay updated on her journey to Toronto!