These famous words spoken by the late Maya Angelou are part of what inspired today’s post. Recently, I’ve been noticing more and more people and news stories talking about the newest “quick fix” and “fat busters” to shed weight for summer. It started about 2 weeks ago when a Facebook ad caught my eye. It was an ad for a miracle, all natural ingredient proven to melt away fat. Typically, I don’t even entertain these ads but something else made me think this product could be different from the thousands of others promising the same results. It was being promoted by someone who I thought was a reputable source. The infamous Dr. OZ not only backed this ingredient, but featured a demonstration of how it works on his show. I thought, “this must be a new health break through if Dr. OZ is willing to back it up and give it his stamp of approval!” The secret ingredient to burning fat, according to Dr. OZ, is called Garcinia Cambogia. It toutes appetite-suppressant and fat-blocking abilities. The active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia is called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), and researchers claim that HCA can double or triple one’s weight loss.
I can totally agree with everyone that this would be awesome; no more sweating profusely in the name of a tight tushie and flat stomach. Now I can sweat as much or as little as I’d like AND eat all the things?! It’s a no brainer right? Here is the gut wrenching/inevitable bubble bursting moment: it’s currently unclear if these effects actually occur in humans. Which also leads me to believe that if there isn’t research to back-up it’s effects in humans, how the heck are we supposed to know if it’s even safe?!
Just this morning, Good Morning America covered a story on a new syrup that is being marketed as a new way to lose weight called Yacon Syrup. This product is also promoted by Dr. OZ (wth is this guy’s deal?!) as an all natural and easy way to drop pounds quickly. The story had an interview with a nutritionist expert who said while this syrup might actually have redeeming qualities, they come at a cost, one of them being gastrointestinal complications. YUCK.
These are just two examples of the scams out there trying to give people hope to achieve their dream bodies without actually having to put forth physical effort. It’s just not feasible. Not only is it unrealistic, but products that claim themselves all natural or fat busting just are not either of those. If they are at all effective, it doesn’t last and it at what cost does it take to put your body through it?
Well I have some good news, we here at FIT Radio have actually discovered something that does in fact work and can have long lasting results. It has been proven (yes, I said proven) to NATURALLY increase energy levels, serotonin (that feel good chemical your brain emits), improve your immune system and promotes more restful nights. What we’ve discovered also helps with your overall outlook on life which comes with a slew of benefits (professional, romance, and self empowerment). However, there is one downside. This nutritional breakthrough is only available to those who want it badly enough. If you haven’t already figured out what I’m describing through deductive reasoning then I’ll make it simple: it’s exercise. Like everything else in life, if you really want something, you have to pay for it. Whether it be with health risks, money, sweat, and or time, it’s ultimately a trading game this life we lead. Now, I’m not going to get all dark and deep on you, I’m going to tell you what you don’t want to hear but also provide you with a fun easy solution. “Nothing will work unless you do.” You can take all the supplements, all the expensive juice cleanses, and all the heart pounding, horse tranquilizer sized extracts you want. But the reality is this, nothing works better (best for the overall health of your body and well-being) than good old fashioned exercise and balanced diet. You heard me. And not because you just read it in this post a couple seconds ago but because you knew the answer all along. So, I’ll spare you the list of workouts and obvious tips on how to cut back on unhealthy food (put down the cheetos and go for a walk/jog/run). People already know the answer. What I think people lack is proper and consistent motivation. Zig Ziglar said it best: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” The FIT Radio app provides just that, all you have to do is just turn the dang thing on. We even provide motivational quotes the play on top of the music to help push you further if you so choose to hear them. Like everything else in your life, it’s up to you. So if you’re ready to get what you want, we’re ready to help motivate you to reach and see passed your goals.