My friend Meghan and I were invited to fill in on a kickball team yesterday. I was somewhat reluctant since I haven’t played kickball since elementary school, but I figured what the hell, it’ll be fun to run around outside for a bit. When we got there, we realized everyone was a bit more serious about kickball than we expected. It was a little intimidating, but we decided to step up to the challenge. We practiced kicking the ball a little before the game (which actually made us even more nervous as it revealed to be more involved than we remembered). Once the game started, we were both determined not to let the team down, so we did our best. We actually had a lot of fun doing it and got a great workout chasing the ball around! We both ended up getting on base and playing well on the field. All in all, it was a lot of fun (and I have the bruises to prove it). Joining an adult league is a great outlet for exercise and meeting new people. I think I may join one this summer. After the game, we all went to Mellow Mushroom as I proceeded to tell everyone about FIT Radio and get them to download the app. 🙂

Tell me about your experiences with adult leagues! Have you joined any? What would you recommend?
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