Fit Radio DJ Spotlight: DJ Rolemodel

This week we had a chance to sit down wth Fit Radio DJ, DJ Rolemodel. This is what he had to say:


Q: Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?

A: When people are ordering food and they reach over the sneeze-guard to point at what they want (think Chipotle or Subway).


Q: What is your favorite animal? Why?

A: Koala bear. (Probably because it’s the best emoji there is.)


Q: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Venice, Italy or b some small village in Norway overlooking a fjord.


Q: Would you rather have money or love? Why?

A: Money, only because I don’t look for love, I create it.


Q: Would you consider yourself to be a good dancer?

A: In college I took 5 different dance classes, however, you will never see me dance. (Unless it’s a few head bobs in the DJ booth.)


Q: What do you consider to be the best feature about Fit Radio for users?

A: The best feature about Fit Radio is when it updates users to let them know there is a new mix from DJ Rolemodel.


Q: How can Fit Radio change your workout?

A: Fit Radio has helped me because I don’t have to worry about the music that’s coming up, I can relax and focus on cardio instead of skipping from song to song.


Q: What are the perks being a Fit Radio DJ?

A:  The main perk of being a Fit Radio DJ is the exposure. That and of course having tons of new friends from the ATL.


Learn more about DJ Rolemodel and listen to his latest mixes here.