Navigating Fit Radio
Finding a Mix
A mix that keeps you inspired during your workout has never been so easy to find! Our music is organized by Genre, DJ, Activity and BPM so that you can find exactly what you need in just seconds.
Genres – With over 40 genres ranging from Top 40 to Electro House to Classic Rock to 90’s, there are endless possibilities! Just click your desired genre and you’re ready to go!
DJs – In this section the DJs are categorized by genre. Clicking on the DJ will bring you to their profile where you can connect with them, favorite their profile and listen to their mixes!
Activities – Looking for the perfect playlist to help you lift heavy? Trying the elliptical for the first time and need some beats to keep your moving? We have a mix for every type of workout, just head to the activities page and find your activity.
BPM – For those who want to run, walk or jog to the beat of the music, click on BPM. We have the perfect playlist to keep you on track for that 9 minute mile or to keep your pace steady when walking.
Playing a Mix
No need to waste time putting songs into a playlist. We have over 40 DJs who create cutting-edge mixes that will fit perfectly with your favorite workout.
Press to favorite a mix.
Press to skip a mix.
Press to skip a track.
Press to set your intervals.
Press for more options:
Press to tweet the DJ.
Press to share the mix.
Workout with a Cardio Coach…
No need to workout alone! We have coaches ready to motivate you through exciting workouts in all areas of cardio whether in the gym or not. You get to choose your modality, your intensity, your coach and as always your music!
Coach Profiles – Want to connect with your favorite coach? Go to their Coach Profile and find out where their from, their instagram handle, their motto and ALL of their workouts.
Modalities – Headphones in and go! We have coached Treadmill, Outdoor Run, Elliptical, Bike, HIIT, Cardio+, Walk/Jog and Stairclimber workouts! In addition to our cardio modalities, you can also strengthen your Core with us!
Intensity Levels – We have various intensity levels so that everyone from beginner to advanced athlete can have a great workout!
Low Intensity – Are you new to cardio? No fear, Low Intensity is here! These workouts are great for those who may need to take breaks between hard efforts. There will be minimal sprinting and may include slower paced options.
Medium Intensity – If you’re working out 2 to 3 times a week, then Medium Intensity is jussttttttt right! These workouts will continue to challenge you with endurance intervals and some sprinting.
High Intensity -These workouts are perfect for those who are moving a 3+ workouts a week comfortably and are ready to take it to the next level! Each workout will challenge you with sprinting and/or longer intervals.
High Intensity – Advanced (Treadmill) – Consider yourself an advanced runner, do ya? Well we’ve got just the thing…High Intensity- Advanced! Throughout these intense workouts you can expect incline changes and high speeds.
Workout Details Page – On this page you’ll see the length of the workout, the estimated calories burned, the coach, and a brief description of what’s to come! Before you start your workout, remember to choose your music!
…Or Run to the Beat
There’s nothing quite like running to the beat. That’s why we have created a section for solely that reason! Whether you know your pace or need to find your pace, we will give to a beat to match your feet.
Quick Start – It’s as easy as 1,2,3.
- Select your PACE.
- Select your GENRE (we will only display genres that have mixes with your chosen BPM).
- Press GO!
Manual – Choose your pace and we will find a mix that’s perfect for you! Just select your BPM and start!
Find Pace – Not sure what your pace is? We’ve got your back! Press GO and we will play a mix that matches your pace.
Don’t Forget to Stretch!
It’s important. We have routines for specific areas as well as to compliment your workout. So if you need to stretch before your run, we have a routine for you. If you need to stretch your upper body, we have a routine for that as well! And if you just need a full body stretch, you guessed it right, we have a routine for you!
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