On Apple Watch
Take your music with you. Leave your phone behind.
Welcome to Fit Radio for Apple Watch! With our watch app, you can stream all of your favorite mixes or send mixes from your phone to your watch. Streaming will require your watch to have a data plan, and sending mixes from your phone will provide playback with or without a data plan.
Our team of engineers has worked for years to produce a truly stand-alone apple watch experience, and we continue to make improvements to the watch monthly.
Using music on the apple watch can be tricky; the device by nature doesn’t have the same capabilities as the iPhone, so we’ve created the below to help assist you in the event you experience playback or loading issues.
Streaming with Data:
Streaming is relatively straightforward; the only thing you’ll need to ensure is that you have a data plan. You can find your data plan and status by going to Settings on the watch and selecting cellular. If no data plan exists, you will have to send mixes from the phone to the watch covered in the next part.
If you are using the watch to stream with Data, the watch performs best when it is NOT connected to the phone via Bluetooth. We suggest turning off Bluetooth on your phone and allowing the watch to use data for optimal performance.
One final note on streaming is that the files will take longer to load so, please expect mix load times of anywhere from 15-45 seconds.
Sending Mixes from the Phone to the Watch
You can send mixes from the favorites section in Fit Radio to your watch over Bluetooth or wifi and playback on your watch without a data plan. The 5 tips below will help ensure your transfer process is smooth.
- Start by selecting the 3 dot icon next to the mix in favorites.
- Ensure that both the phone app and the watch app are open when initiating a transfer. Ensure BOTH screens are ON and the watch is showing the “Saved Mixes” section when starting the transfer.
- Then select “send to apple watch”
- Optional: Your Bluetooth at this point is on. Once you have started the transfer, turning Bluetooth off will force the transfer to happen over wifi versus Bluetooth. This is optional but makes a notable difference in loading time. Loading over BT can take 5-15 minutes per mix, whereas over wifi will load in roughly 90 seconds.
- One final tip for transfers is to ensure your wake screen on your watch is set to its maximum 70 seconds. Click on the watch app on your phone, select: general > wake screen > wake for 70 seconds.

I have the newest Fit Radio version, but the Fit Radio app isn’t showing up on my watch.
If you do not have your watch setup to automatically install apps, you will have to manually add the app. Simply open the watch app on your phone, scroll to the bottom, and select “Install” next to the Fit Radio app.
I’m following the instructions, but it keeps saying “Can’t connect to Apple Watch”.
Try turning Bluetooth ON for a moment, click on the mix you’d like to send to the Watch, and after the mix begins loading to your watch, turn Bluetooth back OFF.
Why do I have to turn Bluetooth OFF?
When Bluetooth is OFF, the watch will load mixes over wifi, making the load time much faster.
The mix stopped loading on my watch.
If a mix stops loading for any reason, tap the mix on your watch to wake it back up and make sure your watch screen stays on.
I turned Bluetooth OFF, but it’s still loading very slowly.
Make sure the Fit Radio app is open and on. Also be sure that you turned Bluetooth OFF using the Settings app (not the Control Center). The Control Center doesn’t actually turn Bluetooth OFF. Instead, it disconnects your devices.
When I use the Workout App on my Watch, Fit Radio stops playing.
We apologize for the inconvenience! Our team is aware of this issue and is currently working on a fix. There is a work around, however, until we release the newest update: As long as you do not stay on the Workout app for more than 2 minutes, Fit Radio will continue playing. Simply start your workout with the Workout App, and then go back to the Fit Radio app.
How do I remove mixes from my Watch?
On your phone, go to the Fit Radio app and open the favorites tab. The mixes that have been added to your Watch are in Orange. Click on the apple watch icon for the mix you’d like to remove, and select Yes in the pop up.
I’m at the gym, and I’m having trouble sending mixes to my watch.
Loading over wifi is 10x times faster than loading via bluetooth. However, if you are attempting to load over a crowded wifi such as a gym, the watch and the phone may have trouble communicating, resulting in you having to load over bluetooth.
The App says a mix is currently transferring but there isn’t, it’s just stuck.
We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix for the next release. For the time being the solution is to delete and reinstall the app from the phone which resets the watch app as well. We apologize for the inconvenience, we’ll get it fixed soon!
*“Cannot connect” Message:
Turn Bluetooth ON until the mix begins transferring. Once mix begins transfer, then turn Bluetooth OFF.
Having an issue that is not listed here?
Please email us at [email protected] with a full description of what happened so we can personally help you troubleshoot what’s going on.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I want to send a mix to my watch that isn’t in my list of favorites.
No problem! Just hit the SHARE button from anywhere in the app to send mixes to your watch.
Can I save audio-guided cardio workouts on my watch?
Sadly, no. The Apple Watch does not support dual audio playback at this time. As soon as they allow it, we will bring it to your watch app.
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