Do you have any questions or feedback for us? Shoot us an email! You’ll find the appropriate contact options below.
If you have any technical issues or questions, please email us at [email protected]. Please remember to be specific and provide information about your app version, phone brand, model, carrier and other useful information if you contact us. The more we know about your question the better support we can provide.
All ideas and comments about FIT Radio are always welcome! Please write us at [email protected]. Thank you!
Press / Media
Are you doing media coverage? Please consult our Media Page and contact us at [email protected]
Advertising, Cross Promotion, and Partnerships
Interested in Advertising, Cross Promoting, or Partnering with FIT Radio? We are always interested in cooperating with brands, corporations and communities that can see the benefits of working with FIT Radio. Email us at [email protected]
If you are organizing any kind of event and need talented DJs or think FIT Radio would be a great FIT, we’d love to speak with you! Please email us at [email protected].
Are you a DJ interested in getting your mixes on FIT Radio? Email us at [email protected] with your DJ name, type of genre(s) you spin, and link to listen to your mixes.
Coaches & Trainers
Are you interested in becoming a Coach on FIT Radio? Email your resume and cover letter to [email protected]
Jobs or Internships
Interested in working for FIT Radio part-time, full time, or as an internship? Email us at [email protected].
Other Topics
For all other inquiries, please write us at [email protected].