So, I know this isn’t really new or anything to most people or “yogis” but I have just recently been very interested in Yoga and the benefits it provides in strength and flexibility and the overall health advantages in general. I am not experienced at all and when I do practice yoga I realize I am not nearly as strong or balanced as I thought, a wobbly mess is more like it. I love the challenge though, so naturally I want to push myself to the limit. A girlfriend of mine invited me to join her for her next hot yoga class and I couldn’t be more excited! I think it will definitely be interesting and an awesome learning experience. Reading up on the studios in my neighborhood so once I am able to find time in my hectic schedule, I will be ready to make an appointment! Stay tuned for a follow-up post about my Bikram Yoga experience. Ps. If anybody has any tips or experiences they’d like to share feel free! I am going to need all the help I can get!
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